
Cleaning and handling a firearm is not a simple matter and certainly should not be taken lightly: it is a question of being able to maneuver the tool with safety and awareness, demonstrating that you also know its mechanics, where and how to touch the various pieces and components. The first step is therefore to buy a gun that is of quality, informing yourself well on the characteristics you are looking for, which will clearly depend on the reasons that led you to want to own a gun: hunting, for self-defense, hobby. The life span of your new firearm will entirely depend on your maintenance and cleaning activity. What is meant by maintenance and cleaning of a firearm? How do you go about getting the best results to protect your armory?

One of the most fascinating and delicate sporting weapons is the bow, increasingly requested by athletes because it allows them to develop elegant techniques and a very high degree of precision. Compared to the traditional one, it is a very advanced instrument made with high-tech materials and which requires special care in order to be used safely and satisfactorily.

With a delicate and complex instrument such as a weapon it is important to carefully carry out every single maintenance operation, obeying the rules and if possible trying to follow some tricks of the trade that allow for the reduction of risks and identification of any critical element, before it becomes a real problem.

Although a weapon may be precise and finely calibrated, without good quality optics it is practically impossible to accurately capture a target at more than ten meters. Our visual limitations require the assembly and calibration of optics that compensate for the inability to focus on small and distant objects.

The evaluation of used weapons and assistance for the permanent cessation of firearms are hot topics for those who have a gun license. In particular, these are services that we have been offering to customers for many years and in which we are particularly knowledgeable.

The law requires the obligation to report the possession of weapons and ammunition.
The weapon report assistance service that Armeria Palmieri offers guarantees the fulfillment of legal obligations in a short time.
We will follow up with you every step of the way, with competence and professionalism, and we will help you juggle the forms and rules to be respected.

Many enthusiasts fall into a gross error: that of cleaning weapons with non-specific detergents and oils.
For example, using household detergents is absolutely not recommended, the same can be said for various generic lubricants such as petroleum jelly or similar. If you are thinking of resorting to household spray, remember that it certainly contains anti-limescale or different acids such as bleach and ammonia, substances that could deteriorate the weapon causing opacification.

Molti appassionati cadono in un grossolano errore: ossia quello di procedere alla pulizia armi con detergenti ed oli non specifici. Se stai pensando di ricorrere allo spray per la casa, ricorda che sicuramente contiene dell’anticalcare o diversi acidi come candeggina e ammoniaca, sostanze che potrebbero deteriorare l’arma comportando opacizzazioni.

Pulire e manovrare un’arma da fuoco non è una questione semplice e sicuramente non va presa alla leggera: si tratta di essere in grado di manovrare l’attrezzo con sicurezza e consapevolezza, dimostrando di conoscerne anche la meccanica, di sapere dove e come toccare i vari pezzi e le componenti

Il servizio di assistenza denunce armi che ti offre Armeria Palmieri ti garantisce l’assolvimento degli obblighi di legge in tempi brevi.
