The law requires the obligation to report the possession of weapons and ammunition.
The weapon report assistance service that Armeria Palmieri offers guarantees the fulfillment of legal obligations in a short time.
We will follow up with you every step of the way, with competence and professionalism, and we will help you juggle the forms and rules to be respected.

With our advice, you will be able to adequately fill in the applications and submit the requests relating to the possession of weapons and ammunition in the times and methods prescribed by the laws in force on the national territory. We will also guide you in collecting the necessary documents and filling out any substitute declarations essential for accepting the request. Reporting your possession of weapons and ammunition will no longer take time: we will be the ones to solve every problem!

When to report possession of weapons

In 2018, by transposing European Directive 853 of 2016, Law 104 relatively simplified, with some targeted interventions, the procedure for declaring the possession of weapons.
A decisive update, in modification of Article 38 of the TULPS, was the introduction of the possibility of sending the declaration via certified e-mail. The use of certified e-mail allows and guarantees the traceability of the declaration report. In fulfilling the procedures required by the aforementioned law, our weapons report assistance service guides you in submitting the application.

The report must be submitted in the cases required by law which are the following:

  • in the event that the possession of weapons and ammunition is acquired through purchase or inheritance;
  • in the event that, for any reason, you hand over the weapons and ammunition in your possession to others;
  • if the place where the weapons and ammunition in your possession are kept were to change.

Documents required for reporting weapon possession

With our weapons report assistance service we can guide you in collecting the documentation required (request for the release or renewal of a gun license, for self defense, for sporting use, for hunting).
The documentation that must necessarily be attached to the application, pending its rejection, includes:

  • A medical certificate attesting both the psychological and physical fitness of the applicant. The certificate must be issued by the Local Health Unit or, alternatively, by the medical offices of military structures or the police.
  • Self-certification or document attesting to having served in the Armed Forces or Police Forces (for less than 10 years) or certificate issued by a nationally recognized sharpshooting facility certifying suitability for handling weapons and ammunition. In this case, the document must not have been issued more than ten years earlier.
  • Certificate, by means of a declaration, of the absence of the personal conditions that the law indicates as causes of impossibility of possession.
  • The precise indication of the personal data of all the subjects who live with the applicant.
  • Declaration attesting not having made a successful application for the recognition of one’s conscientious objection (pursuant to Law 230/1998) or of having applied for the withdrawal of said status (Law No. 130/2007).

Our weapons report assistance service is also able to follow up with you in the compilation of any replacement certificate of the necessary documents, declarations that have equal value with respect to the documents issued by the competent authorities.

Deadlines for reporting the possession of weapons

It is important to remember that the law requires the possession of weapons be reported within and never beyond 72 hours. Detention must be reported to the public security forces responsible for the area in which you reside or are domiciled. Our weapons report service helps you in completing the application and proceeds electronically to send it within the terms established by the law of reference.

The delivery receipt of the forwarded application proves that the documents have been presented to the appropriate offices. The documents necessary for the integration of the application, in addition to the report of the purchase or of the possible transfer, completed in its entirety, are the following: the chronologically prior report; the declaration proving the purchase or sale (signed by both parties); the photocopy of the certificates, documents and police certificates.

In the event that the weapon was purchased in an armory, it is also necessary to attach the document of the armory itself certifying the sale. It should be remembered that every five years it is necessary to present a medical certificate attesting the absence of neuropsychiatric pathologies and defects that may be harmful, even if only temporarily, due to diminished responsibility of the weapon’s owner. We can assist you in sending the medical certificate through the electronic channels required by law.

Limits on the number of weapons that can be detained

Art. 38 of Italy’s Consolidated Public Order Act (TULPS) establishes that one can detain no more than 3 common weapons, 12 weapons for sport shooting, no more than 8 weapons classified as vintage or of an artistic nature or important from a historical point of view. The possession of rifles intended for hunting has no limitations: it is therefore possible to detain an unlimited number of rifles in accordance with the provisions of the law currently in force.

Without specific and prior authorization from the competent authorities, it is not allowed to move the weapons held in a place other than that indicated in the application.
The collector’s license deserves a special mention: this authorization allows you to hold an unlimited number of weapons without ammunition.
The only limitation concerns the type of weapons held: they must all be different from one another. To be clear, for each type of weapon the possession of a single unit is allowed.

Reporting possession of ammunition

The law requires not only obligation to report the possession of weapons, but the corresponding declaration for the possession of ammunition.
In this case, detention is numerically limited depending on the type of weapon. For (short firearms), no more than 200 pieces of ammunition can be held ; for (long guns) no more than fifteen hundred pieces can be held, for pellet (shot) ammunition one can hold up to 1000 pieces without complaint, but they are calculated in the total number of 1500 per long weapon.
For shotguns, it is mandatory to report the possession for a number of pieces exceeding one thousand. It is always forbidden to have more than 1500 shot ammunition.

Book an appointment, we will solve all your problems!

Contact Armeria Palmieri to solve your problems related to the possession of weapons and ammunition.
Book an appointment and come visit us: we will take care of what is necessary to prepare and forward your application.
